Parent Training and Support

We understand that caring for a neurodivergent child can come with its unique challenges. That's why we offer a mini course designed to help parents, grandparents, teachers, and carers feel confident in recognising when their child is regulated and in the "learning zone"  

We will take time together to notice the signs that show us your child is dysregulated and not operating in an optimal place to learn. We will practice holding and observe how, holding steady yourself when your child's movement or behaviour signals they are disregulated, enables you to magnitise them down back into the calm state. 

Following a VERVE approach. We will focus on one strategy to start - holding still and quiet - and experiment with noticing the opportunities it brings.

Each session we will add another parent strategy - repeating their sounds, for example, when they face watch- and again we will observe the opportunities this gives your child. Noticing how you enable them to lead within play and dictate the pace they learn at best. How their coordination is smoother and more complex, how you support their sensory processing and communication, their language skills...

What to Expect from the Mini Course

During the 6-week mini course, we will explore videos together where we focus on the opportunities that your support enables for your child.

You'll gain insight into recognising when your child is in the optimal state for learning. 

The course of training typically follows this schedule:

Week 1 - First assessment session

Week 2

week 4 

Week 6

Week 10 - follow up 

These sessions are for parent's - initially - and then any other adults working closely with your child. They can be offered alongside 1-1 therapy sessions or in place of, as you witness your own expertise and influence. You will see your child grow in confidence, to explore and experiment more. 

Every "course" is individualised to you and your child with just Ellie and parents on the video call looking at videos of you with your child. 

The beauty when using this approach is that VERVE places specific emphasis on the natural skills of parents, self regulation and self calming (Keena Cummings Using this philosophy we can enjoy time with our children and watch them thrive. We can be confidence that we are exactly where we should be, doing exactly what they need right now. No therapy guilt! 


Sessions are charged at same rate as 1-1 therapy sessions. £100-£120 per hour - full fee. Course of 6 sessions £600-£720

If you are experiencing financial difficulties please talk to us. It is important to us that that money is not a barrier to children and families receiving support. We have links with Tree of Hope who support families to raise funds for therapy.

We will also always prioritise continuing therapy, so once we are working together we will do everything we can to ensure you are supported regardless of your financial situation - talk to us if you require reduced fees. 

If you would like to support other families please consider making solidarity payments - suggested £120 per session. 

Find out more about VERVE

VERVE Child Interaction supports adults in seeing what they already do to support each child, how and when they use these skills, and how to optimise on them in order to support each child in increasing their rate of progress. (