Welcome to our Therapy Sessions

1-1 Therapy Sessions

As Neurodevelopmental therapists we work differently to traditional Physiotherapists. 

We see that to be able to celebrate your neurodivergence it is important to have a balance between the strengths you lean on and the challenges that make life difficult.

Our role is to help you find those challenges and create a safe space for you to face them without fear, and build skills so your life is less defined by what is not possible.

When we over rely on our strengths we can end up repeating what is safe and known. In this our opportunity to learn is diminished. It is through experimenting and exploring that we learn and discover and grow.

For children, our aim is to protect childhood, and allow children to develop at their own pace and lead when they can lead. And for adults it's never to late to "do the work" and broaden the foundations that we rely on, to allow us to continue to learn and grow through our lives.  

We will work together; identify your true strengths as well as unhealthy patterns and coping strategies that are no longer serving you. Then scaffold your learning to create a more balanced and exploratory approach to coordination, posture, movement and interactions within your world. An approach that is richer in learning opportunities and opportunities for growth and personal development. 
Regardless of the origin of your neurodiversity we believe it can be a cause for celebration. As humans we are remarkable and have so much magic within us. We sometimes just need help to balance the want, with the how, and to notice what we are avoiding and what we fear.
When we over-rely on a limited number or strategies (be that movement patterns, routines or behaviours) it reduces our options. Fear and avoidance narrow the foundations we have to then build on in the future. 
We aim to support you as you navigate the journey through your life.
We work with newborns and adults and everyone in between- always with the same focus in mind: maintaining freedoms of movement and choice so everyone grows up with the information, confidence and skills to find themselves and their place in the world. 


What does a session look like?

We provide personalised one-on-one therapy sessions. Sessions that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual and your family.

For children and adults with Cerebral Palsy, we might start with identifying where and why you are over using or relying on stereotypical movement patterns. Repeating the same movement, or simplifying movements, avoiding movement, stiffening joints, using mass patterns- we recognise these as ways to avoid more complex coordination that requires skills you can’t rely on.

When we understand the reason behind how you move we can provide support to give opportunities for you to experiment with more complex coordinations.

A MAES Therapy philosophy "we want every child to have many ways to approach one problem, not one way to approach many problems". 

It could be stereotypical behaviours we see, avoiding social interactions that require responses that touch on skills you can’t rely on.

Being busy and on the go can be less of a choice and more of a need to avoid the anxiety inducing quiet and stillness that you feel when between activities. 

We will understand, with you, the reason for the limitations you face. We can then give just the right support to enable you to explore beyond the restrictions  

Support for some is physical scaffolding, for others it's reducing the complexity of the environment, interaction or pressures of achieving within an activity. For many it's a mixture of all of those and more. We will discover what the right scaffolding is for you, to enable you to keep learning and exploring.


Where are the sessions based 

We invite most people to join us in our Clinic space. We find it's easier to challenge yourself in a space that you associate with learning rather than your own home. 

We also do visits to support children in schools and nursery's, to guide and integrate the philosophy of learning you practice with us into those environments. 


We charge £100 per hour - full fee

If you are experiencing financial difficulties please talk to us. It is important to us that that money is not a barrier to children and families receiving support. We have links with Tree of Hope who support families to raise funds for therapy.

Also, we will always prioritise continuing therapy, so once we are working together we will do everything we can to ensure you are supported regardless of your financial situation - talk to us if you require reduced fees. 

If you would like to support other families please consider making solidarity payments - suggested £120 per session. 

Find out more 

Contact us 

Call or email to speak to Ellie or Zorana 

Our Blog

Get to know us and more about our philosophy by reading our blog posts 

Our Community  

Come along to one of our group sessions to meet us and the wonderful community of families who come together at these sessions. Some of whom have known and worked with us for many years.